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Comey May Have Confirmed Trump Is Not Under Investigation but Trump Was Caught Telling Two Big Lies

posted onJune 8, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 9:30 pm on June 7, 2017 by Jay Caruso There’s been quite a lot of high-fiving and celebrating because Jim Comey’s prepared opening statement confirms Comey told President Trump he wasn’t personally under investigation. I thought the celebrating was odd because Comey never said Trump was under investigation. Critics say it’s a media and Democratic Party narrative, but the reality is, Trump didn’t need Jim Comey to make a public statement on Trump’s behalf. He’s not a spokesperson for Trump. So the criticism that Comey didn’t go to bat for the president publicly to reassure people he wasn’t under investigation is silly. That said, despite the fact there is nothing in the statement that leads to articles of impeachment, there are a couple of issues that will cause Trump political problems. Here is what Comey said about the subject of Mike Flynn: Trump’s problem? He denied this happened: Then there was the question of loyalty. Comey said: Trump denied that as well: So when it comes to the matter of who is more credible, it seems James Comey comes out on top here. I think Comey knows the game well enough to play the political angles he can, but Trump denied reports that turned out to be true. One cannot accept at face value, Comey’s confirmation of telling Trump he was not under investigation and at the same time say Comey’s lying about his conversations about loyalty and Mike Flynn. As I wrote earlier, Trump is clueless as to how things get done in Wash... Link to the full article to read more

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