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Trump feels squeeze in tax return fight | TheHill

posted onMay 28, 2019

Article snippet: MORE is being squeezed in the fight over his tax returns. House Democrats are expected to initiate a court case in the near future to obtain the documents. And a series of recent developments may not bode well for Trump’s efforts to keep lawmakers from seeing his returns. “It’s unavoidable that he can’t hide from this anymore, no matter how hard he tries,” said Maura Quint, executive director of Tax March, which supports the efforts to obtain Trump’s returns. Democrats see several actions that took place last week as positive signs for their efforts. Federal judges made rulings that sided with Democrats in two other cases where they issued subpoenas to obtain the president’s financial information. Additionally, The Washington Post on Tuesday reported about a draft IRS memo written last fall finding that the Treasury secretary has no discretion when it comes to requests for tax returns made by the chairmen of Congress’s tax committees. That memo wasn’t finalized and doesn’t specifically mention Trump, but Democrats see it as confirming their interpretation of the law. And New York state lawmakers on Wednesday passed legislation that would allow the chairmen of Congress’s tax committees to request the state tax returns of Trump and other federal, state and local officials. All of these developments come as House Democrats prepare to take legal action to obtain Trump’s tax returns. House Ways and Means Committee Chairman MORE (D-Mass.) previously issued letters and ... Link to the full article to read more

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