Article snippet: Posted at 4:00 am on June 8, 2017 by Joe Cunningham The much-anticipated Senate Intelligence Committee hearing featuring James Comey will be the focus of much of the Media’s coverage today. With yesterday’s release of Comey’s opening statement, we have a pretty good idea of what Comey will and will not talk about. However, that won’t stop politicians from both sides from trying to score a few political points here and there. So, here’s what you can expect from this hearing today. 1. Republicans Want To Put Russia To Bed The topic of Donald Trump and Russia continues to be a problem, and it’s not just the Democrats and the Media who keep it alive in the news cycle. Trump continues to put a spotlight on it by frequently mentioning it in speeches and on Twitter. Comey is expected to say he did in fact tell the president he was not under investigation, and many Republicans want that to be the focus of the Comey testimony… 2. Democrats Want To Keep The Russia Conspiracy Alive …but the Democrats will have none of it, and for good reason. There is an investigation into Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election, and if any of Trump’s people had undisclosed communications/interactions with Russian agents leading up to the election. The Democrats obviously want there to be a there there, to borrow a phrase from their last president. The problem is that, so far, where Trump is concerned there is nothing damning. 3. Democrats Will Beclown Themselves In Overreaching The D... Link to the full article to read more