Article snippet: MORE’s scorched-earth offensive against congressional Democrats this week is a clear sign he sees his path to reelection as being paved through battles with his opponents more than collaboration. The president’s decisions to walk out of a White House meeting on infrastructure and to belittle and poke Speaker MORE (D-Calif.) with personal attacks are likely to excite Trump supporters who like nothing more than his confrontations with the establishment. “Donald Trump is a fighter — there’s no ambiguity about that — and he’s going to fight for what he believes in,” said Bryan Lanza, a former Trump campaign and transition aide. “He’s going to show he will do what’s right for the taxpayers and the voters, but all the Democrats want to do is talk about impeachment.” Yet there are also serious risks to the approach. The lack of action on Capitol Hill robs Trump of the chance to add legislative achievements to his record. Heading into an era of divided government, White House officials pointed to last year’s criminal justice law as evidence Trump was capable of working across the aisle on big issues such as infrastructure, trade and prescription drug pricing. Failing to address those priorities could be a turnoff with independent voters. It would also undercut the notion he can use his status as a businessman and Washington outsider to cut through partisan gridlock to address the needs of the country. And it takes the focus off Trump’s stewardship of a growing economy, w... Link to the full article to read more
Trump goes scorched earth against impeachment talk | TheHill