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Amash storm hits Capitol Hill | TheHill

posted onMay 21, 2019

Article snippet: Rep. MORE should be impeached for obstruction of justice, ensuring the spotlight will stay on the stunning attacks against his party’s leader all week. GOP leaders and members of the conservative Freedom Caucus are distancing themselves from the 39-year-old lawmaker, who is now facing a new primary challenge.  Because the fight centers on a political disagreement rather than any personal misconduct, Amash is unlikely to be kicked off his sole committee, the Oversight and Reform panel, leadership sources said. Freedom Caucus leaders also are unlikely to kick Amash out of the group he co-founded, though some speculated that his membership could be discussed this week. The Freedom Caucus also could vote to condemn Amash’s statements, sources said. “Mr. Amash’s conclusions are poorly informed and fatally flawed,” Rep. MORE (R-N.C.), the leader of the Freedom Caucus and a Trump confidant, told The Hill on Monday.  “While his tweets will certainly be a topic of conversation for the caucus … I know of no other Freedom Caucus member who shares his view,” Meadows said. Amash is likely to be ostracized in the Republican conference — though that may not bother him. Since entering the House, he’s marched to the beat of his own drum, frequently frustrating GOP leaders tasked with keeping the troops in line. Elected in the 2010 Tea Party wave, Amash is no stranger to controversy. He’s burnished a reputation for taking principled stands when it comes to fiscal and constitutiona... Link to the full article to read more

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