Article snippet: Speaker MORE presses the House to scrap and replace the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico (NAFTA). Pelosi is in no hurry to help Trump’s reelection campaign, as a trade victory may do. Yet at the same time, the Speaker is seeking her own legislative victories to lend a messaging boost to vulnerable Democrats also seeking to woo voters — and help Pelosi keep control of the House — at the polls next year. That means finding common ground with Trump on core issues, and trade is one where the sides have some basis of agreement. Much work remains, however, to secure a deal, and Democrats are threatening to back away unless they win more sway over provisions within the “new NAFTA,” formally known as the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA). Pelosi and other top Democrats huddled with U.S. Trade Representative MORE on Wednesday, amplifying their demands that stronger labor, environmental and prescription drug pricing protections be written explicitly into the text of the agreement. “We made a series of suggestions in there acknowledging improvements, but we also think that there’s a ways to go,” said House Ways and Means Committee Chairman MORE (D-Mass.). Democrats are virtually united in their demands, with conservative-leaning Blue Dogs joining liberal lawmakers in insisting on the new protections. Some of the Democratic demands would require the trade deal to be reopened for talks with Canada and Mexico, something Lighthizer does not... Link to the full article to read more
Dems walk Trump trade tightrope | TheHill