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Video: Bernie Sanders’ Long-Term Relationship with Russia Revealed

posted onMay 20, 2019

Article snippet: Sanders’ recorded journey begins in 1988 when he and Jane traveled to the city of Yaroslavl.  Politico reported:  Some of the footage has already gone viral after someone who works at Vermont’s Chittenden County Channel 17 posted a few minutes of video online. “The clip featured a shirtless Sanders and other Americans singing ‘This Land Is Your Land’ to their hosts after relaxing in a sauna. A few minutes later, Sanders doled out the gifts to his Russian friends with a towel wrapped around his waist,” Politico reported. The video footage also shows Bernie sitting with his U.S. delegation at a table beneath a portrait of Vladimir Lenin, a ruthless dictator responsible for the deaths of millions of his people. Politico reported Sanders’ goal was to develop a “sister city” relationship between Burlington, Vermont, where he was mayor, and Yarolavl, a city on the edge of the Volga River. “By encouraging citizen-to-citizen exchanges — of young people, artists and musicians, business people, public officials, and just plain ordinary citizens,” Sanders said in a speech, “we can break down the barriers and stereotypes which exist between the Soviet Union and the United States.” “The video also paints a fuller picture of why Sanders ventured to the land of America’s No. 1 enemy in the midst of the Cold War, the anti-war idealism that fueled his journey, and what he found when he got there,” Politico reported, which said Sanders was worried about the nuclear war between the... Link to the full article to read more

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