Article snippet: Aides and allies to Sen. MORE (D-Mass.) say her policy proposals are showing signs of paying off in the Democratic primary race. Warren has offered a steady series of proposals on a number of issues, from creating a wealth tax to improving housing for military families, that have won media attention and positive nods from liberals looking for substance in the crowded field of Democratic contenders. The policy papers are a part of Warren’s wonky brand, and her supporters are embracing them with T-shirts that say “I have a plan for that,” the motto for Warren’s campaign. “Every day she is on the trail making clear how she diagnoses problems, where she sees solutions and that she is a candidate of substance,” said one aide to Warren. In private conversations, the Massachusetts senator has long concluded that the party won’t win just by being anti-MORE. The winning candidate has to also have a vision for their agenda as president, and that’s the strategy she has seized on, those close to her say. “Democrats can’t just be the party of resistance,” the aide to Warren said. “If we want to beat Donald Trump, we also have to be a party of ideas and a party of vision. We have to demonstrate our commitment to making real change in the economy and in Washington.” Unaffiliated Democratic strategists have also been impressed with Warren’s strategy. “It seems like they’re doing a nice tortoise-and-the-hare-slow-and-steady climb, running the race they want and ignoring the day... Link to the full article to read more
Warren policy ideas show signs of paying off | TheHill