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House approves anti-LGBT discrimination Equality Act | TheHill

posted onMay 18, 2019

Article snippet: The House on Friday for the first time approved legislation banning anti-LGBT discrimination in a 236-173 vote. Every Democrat voted for the measure, as did eight Republicans. The Equality Act would expand the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Fair Housing Act to ban discrimination in employment, housing, jury selection and public accommodations based on sexual orientation and gender identity. “This legislation will provide members of LGBTQ Americans protections from being denying medical care or being fired or thrown out of their homes,” House Judiciary Committee Chairman MORE (D-N.Y.) said on the floor ahead of the vote. He said the bill would expand the definition of “who is understood to be included in the Declaration of Independence.” Rep. MORE (D-Ga.), a civil rights leader, applauded the legislation for continuing efforts to fight discrimination in the United States.  “Today on this day we have an opportunity to send a message now to help end discrimination in our country and set all of our people free,” Lewis said. The measure, spearheaded by Rep. MORE (D-R.I.), was expected to be approved but faced opposition from conservatives, who said it would infringe upon people’s religious liberties. Opponents argued the bill “is anything but equalizing,” in the words of Rep. MORE (R-Mo.). “In fact, this bill legalizes discrimination — government imposed top-down discrimination against those with time-honored views of marriage and gender,” she said in remarks on the... Link to the full article to read more

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