Article snippet: South Bend, Ind., mayor Pete Buttigieg “slow-jammed” the news with Jimmy Fallon in an appearance on “The Tonight Show” on Monday night, though he mostly played it safe during the recurring bit, leaving most of the jokes to Fallon. Buttigieg opened the segment with talking points that wouldn’t sound out of place in a stump speech, telling viewers he thought it was time for “a new generation of leaders” and pledging to focus on issues during the campaign, an area where he’s drawn criticism. “I’ll get big money out of politics, and I’d support getting rid of the electoral college, even if it means fighting these issues out in court,” he said. As the 37-year-old has been surging in the polls with voters drawn to his personal story, his sometimes-vague proposals on big issues like health care and immigration have been a sticking point for critics. Buttigieg did draw some laughs. Perhaps the biggest line came as he talked about reaching out to Republican voters, setting up Fallon to ask if he goes “both ways.” “No, I’m just gay,” Buttigieg deadpanned. Fallon also poked fun at Buttigieg’s light political resume, asking if he was taking any advice from President Donald Trump or Vice President Mike Pence. Buttigieg countered that he had more experience in government than Trump did when he ran for president. “So, if they ever want advice, I’m sure their interns can show them how to DM me,” he quipped. Slow-jamming the news with Fallon has become a bit like making an appea... Link to the full article to read more