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Democrats pull Mashpee Wampanoag bill after Trump tweets opposition - The Boston Globe

posted onMay 14, 2019

Article snippet: President Trump weighed in against the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe’s plan to build a $1 billion casino in Taunton on Wednesday, and shortly afterward Democrats pulled a bill from the House floor that would have allowed the controversial project to move forward. The legislation would protect the federal designation of Wampanoag parcels held in trust by the US government as reservation land, which is required for opening a tribal casino. Last year, an official with the Bureau of Indian Affairs determined that the tribe failed to meet certain federal requirements for reservation status, but the legislation pending in Congress would make that finding moot. In a morning tweet, Trump said that “Republicans shouldn’t vote for H.R. 312, a special interest casino Bill, backed by Elizabeth (Pocahontas) Warren. It is unfair and doesn’t treat Native Americans equally!” Messages left with Warren’s Senate office and presidential campaign were not immediately returned. The Massachusetts Democrat had previously cosponsored a Senate version of the proposal. After Trump’s tweet, the bill was pulled from the House floor. It had been slated to be considered under a fast-track provision that requires a two-thirds majority to pass, meaning it would need Republican support. Representative William Keating, a Massachusetts Democrat from Bourne who sponsored the bill, suggested Trump’s opposition to the proposal was rooted in his connection to a lobbyist for a company that owns two casinos in... Link to the full article to read more

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