Article snippet: WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is declaring ‘‘case closed’’ on the Russia probe and potential obstruction by President Trump. Senator Elizabeth Warren offered a rebuttal a short time later, saying that “wishing won’t make it so.” The Republican leader, in his most significant public comments yet on the investigation, opened the Senate Tuesday with a speech discussing how special counsel Robert Mueller’s ‘‘exhaustive’’ probe went on for two years and is now complete. The remarks, which are certain to please the president, are being billed as his final thoughts on the topic. ‘‘It’s finally over,’’ McConnell said. The Kentucky Republican called Mueller’s findings ‘‘bad news for the outrage industrial complex but good news for the rest of the country.’’ Republicans, taking their cues from Trump, are eager to push past the investigation. But the case is anything but closed for Democrats, who are pressing for further oversight of the White House and the president’s handling of the Mueller probe. Senate Democrats shot back in their own speeches immediately afterward, with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer calling McConnell’s words an ‘‘astounding bit of whitewashing.’’ He challenged McConnell to move legislation that would improve election security and be tougher on Russian sanctions. ‘‘What we have here is a concerted effort to circle the wagons, to protect the president from accountability,’’ Schumer said. For her part, Warren read extensi... Link to the full article to read more