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Mueller fallout deepens Senate tensions | TheHill

posted onMay 4, 2019

Article snippet: The fallout from special counsel MORE's probe is deepening fracture lines in the Senate. Tensions spiked during the Judiciary Committee’s questioning of Attorney General MORE, marking the latest point of frustration on the high-profile panel. Republicans accused Democrats of giving Trump’s AG the “Kavanaugh treatment,” while Democrats returned fire by suggesting the GOP was chasing conspiracy theories with its plan to probe “spying” and the handling of the MORE email investigation. Judiciary Committee Chairman MORE (R-S.C.), asked about the tone of the hearing, argued that Democrats are out to destroy anything related to Trump, as part of a revenge plot for losing the 2016 election. “I said, ‘Listen guys, [Eric] Holder came, [Loretta] Lynch came, nothing was like this.’ It’s a character assassination of the attorney general,” Graham told radio host MORE, referring to former President Obama's attorneys general. “Trump has created a new standard for Democrats: As long as you’re trying to get him, nothing else really matters.” With regard to the contentious hearing, Graham added that he had “never seen anything like it” and that he sat in the room questioning “what has happened to the United States Senate.” One of the biggest pressure points was between Graham and Sen. MORE or any of the other people who sacrifice their once-decent reputation for the grifter and liar who sits in the Oval Office.” When Hirono asked Barr to “give us some credit for knowing what the he... Link to the full article to read more

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