Article snippet: Jones’s office sent Breitbart News the senator’s reaction given during a conference call with Alabama media. Jones said about Rogers’ remarks that “some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now or you kill them later”: Rogers said during debate in the Alabama House of Representatives over a bill that would ban most abortions in the state that women have a right to choose abortion. “Some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now or you kill them later,” he said. “You bring them in the world unwanted, unloved, you send them to the electric chair. So, you kill them now or you kill them later.” On Tuesday, the Alabama State House overwhelmingly approved the Human Life Protection Act, HB 314, which would make abortion a Class A felony and attempted abortion a Class C felony. The only exceptions are in cases in which “abortion is necessary in order to prevent a serious health risk to the unborn child’s mother.” Lawmakers in the House voted, 74–3, to approve the legislation after most Democrats walked out of the chamber, refusing to vote. Link to the full article to read more
Sen. Doug Jones ‘Appalled’ by Democrat Rogers’ ‘Outrageous’ Abortion Comments