Article snippet: Senate Democrats were fully unleashed in their grilling of Attorney General MORE. During the four-hour hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Democrats seized on the explosive revelation that special counsel MORE had criticized Barr’s summary of his report in writing. Some suggested he was no longer fit to serve as attorney general. “I think history will judge you harshly, and maybe a bit unfairly,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) told Barr. “You seem to have been the designated fall guy for this report, and I think that conclusion is inescapable in light of the four-page summary, and then the press conference you did on the day [the report] was released.” Barr sought to defend his actions, telling senators that Mueller told him that his letter summarizing the special counsel’s findings was not inaccurate. He blamed the media for misinterpreting his summary of Mueller’s findings on obstruction of justice. Toward the end of the hearing, Barr even appeared to cast doubt that Mueller was behind the letter. “The letter’s a bit snitty and I think it was probably written by one of his staff people,” he told lawmakers. But Democrats weren’t buying those claims, and insisted they wanted to hear from Mueller himself. Sen. MORE (D-Del.) argued that Barr obscured Mueller’s findings, and gave the White House weeks to claim victory before the full report was released. “I think we need to hear from special counsel Mueller,” Coons said. “I think we need to hear from [... Link to the full article to read more
Dems hammer Barr over Mueller in four-hour grilling | TheHill