Article snippet: House Democrats will huddle Tuesday morning in the Capitol for the first time since the release of special counsel MORE — and complicated the efforts of Democratic leaders seeking a more restrained response. Heading into the gathering, most Democrats appear to be on board with leadership's cautious strategy, which rejects impeachment — at least for now — while various House committees continue to investigate the president's conduct. At the same time, lawmakers are acknowledging that there are more voices talking about moving forward with impeachment in the post-Mueller world. "To be sure, there are more people now talking about it and are more favorable toward that movement. But I also think more people are willing to do what the Speaker said," said Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.), former chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus. "We need to allow these committees of jurisdiction to proceed with their work." A handful of liberal Democrats have been beating the impeachment drum, saying they've seen ample evidence already that Trump has acted in ways that should disqualify him from the office. "Mueller kicked the impeachment ball to the Congress," Rep. MORE (Tenn.), who heads the Judiciary subcommittee on the Constitution. There seem to be three camps emerging as Democrats wrestle with an appropriate response to the Mueller report: those clamoring for impeachment; those who oppose it altogether, for fear of the potential political blowback at the polls next year; ... Link to the full article to read more
Dems set to debate Trump impeachment in post-Mueller era | TheHill