Article snippet: MORE suggests he views the former vice president as a major threat at the outset of the 2020 race. While Trump’s team sees flaws in Biden, it considers his broad name recognition, ties to former President Obama and appeal to white, working-class voters as potential advantages for him in a general election match-up. The president believes he can weaken Biden’s chances of winning the Democratic nomination by bloodying him early in the primary, even though Trump’s campaign operation prefers not to elevate specific Democrats by singling them out for criticism. Trump’s objective in launching an onslaught against Biden during his campaign launch is “kneecapping him right out of the gates,” according to a former White House official, who requested anonymity to discuss the president’s thinking. “As of today, he’s the strongest Democrat nominee,” the official said Monday, adding that while media coverage has focused heavily on the former vice president, “what the president did by tweeting about Biden today is trying to control and set the narrative ahead of Biden’s launch.” Democrats said Trump’s attacks prove that Biden would be a tough challenger for the president. “Clearly, Vice President Biden bugs the president,” said Sen. MORE (Va.), the Democratic vice presidential candidate in 2016. “I think he's very worried about Pennsylvania and he's probably thinking about Biden's strength there.” Trump swiped at Biden on Twitter four times over the course of 20 minutes on M... Link to the full article to read more
Biden's launch riles up Trump | TheHill