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Guess Who Loves Ivanka Trump's Federally Mandated Family Leave Idea.

posted onJune 7, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 8:30 pm on June 6, 2017 by Jim Jamitis We’ve known for some time that unpaid White House Advisor and First Daughter, Ivanka Trump’s pet project involves federally mandated paid family and maternity leave. Her father has spoken positively about it, whether it’s because he actually supports it or just because she’s his daughter remains unclear to me. He’s a Republican but he is not an ideological conservative by any stretch of the imagination, so he may indeed like the idea. Federally mandating family leave is not really a Republican idea. It is certainly not a conservative idea. So I’m just a little surprised that the man who was one of Trump’s bitter rivals in the Republican Primary is singing its praises. The man Ivanka’s dad derogatorily called “Little Marco” is on board. There seems to be a new theme in Washington about how no one should have to alter their life style, behavior or future plans based on their economic situation. I thought that was just living responsibly. You can only draw so much from one tweet, so it’s not entirely clear that Rubio would back a full blown federally mandated family/maternity leave policy, but we’re in a time where Trumpism has supplanted conservatism in the Republican Party so nothing would surprise me. Link to the full article to read more

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