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GOP ready to step up spying case | TheHill

posted onApril 29, 2019

Article snippet: GOP lawmakers returning to Washington are signaling they intend to step up their campaign to look into alleged spying by FBI agents on MORE's 2016 campaign.  The effort comes as Democrats ramp up their own investigations into the Trump administration and could serve as a bit of GOP counterprogramming to put the spotlight on what Republicans contend is suspicious behavior under the Obama administration.  Two Senate chairmen previewed the coming GOP efforts with a recent letter to Attorney General MORE, who raised eyebrows when he publicly asserted he believed the Trump campaign was spied on and said he would review the intelligence community’s actions to ensure no improper surveillance occurred. Democrats were surprised and angered Barr used the word "spying" to describe surveillance the FBI did during its investigation of Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election, accusing him of promoting a GOP talking point. In a letter sent to the attorney general on Thursday, Sens. MORE’s investigation and final report, a redacted version of which Barr released roughly a week ago. Barr is expected to face considerable scrutiny from Democrats who accuse him of bias in his handling of Mueller’s report, which did not establish conspiracy between members of the Trump campaign and Russia but explicitly did not exonerate the president on allegations of obstruction. The attorney general is also likely to be questioned by Republicans about his plans to review the decisi... Link to the full article to read more

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