Article snippet: MORE has reignited his attacks on the news media in the days leading up to the White House correspondents’ dinner, underscoring the White House’s use of the press as an effective foil. Trump will skip the dinner for a third straight year, opting to hold a rally in Wisconsin instead on Saturday night. He also has directed other administration officials not to attend. "The correspondents’ dinner is too negative. I like positive things," Trump said earlier this month in explaining his decision. Within hours of those comments, he had taken to Twitter to characterize the press as “the enemy of the people,” a favorite insult that has appeared to get under the skin of some members of the media. Trump has continued his nearly constant criticisms of the news media in the weeks since, repeatedly lashing out in the aftermath of special counsel MORE’s investigation into Russia's election interference. The latest wave of criticism reached its crest on Tuesday, when he fired off seven tweets castigating the press and singling out specific outlets and reporters by name. It included shots at “Psycho Joe” Scarborough of MSNBC and applied the term “enemy of the people” to The New York Times, despite its publisher warning Trump about the dangerous implications of the phrase. The White House essentially trolled journalists on Thursday when press secretary a Q&A as part of Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day at the White House. Reporters were unable to ask questions. None of ... Link to the full article to read more
Trump ramps up attacks on media ahead of White House correspondents' dinner | TheHill