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Trump rails against political elites on Washington media's big night | TheHill

posted onApril 28, 2019

Article snippet: MORE railed against the political and social elites at a campaign rally in Wisconsin on Saturday night, as members of the press gathered in Washington for the White House correspondents’ dinner. Trump cast the news media, Democrats and Washington insiders as out of touch with ordinary Americans, as he made the case that his administration’s policies had benefited working class voters in the Midwest states that will be pivotal in determining the outcome of the 2020 election. “There’s no place I’d rather be than right here in America’s heartland,” Trump said in a 90-minute speech at a packed arena in Green Bay. “And there’s no one I’d rather be with than you, the hard-working patriots who make our country run so well.” As Trump spoke, top figures from the news media were holding their annual awards dinner and fundraiser in Washington. The president, who has frequently described the press as “the enemy of the people” and is expected to make the news media a primary target in his 2020 reelection bid, has skipped the White House correspondents’ dinner for three consecutive years. Trump kept up his attacks against the news media on Saturday night. “Fake news, they’re fake. They are fake and they are fakers,” Trump said, as his supporters chanted “CNN sucks.” Last year, comedian Michelle Wolf stirred controversy after roasting White House press secretary MORE Sanders, who was seated nearby. Trump invited Sanders on stage during the rally on Saturday night to address the... Link to the full article to read more

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