Article snippet: Posted at 10:00 pm on June 6, 2017 by Susan Wright I get it. I’ve also been in situations where I had to ask someone not to leave me alone with some guy, because he creeped me out. That’s something James Comey and I have in common, apparently. The New York Times is citing current and former law enforcement officials who have stated that after the private meeting between President Trump and Comey, where Trump allegedly asked Comey to let the investigation surrounding former national security adviser Michael Flynn, Comey went to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and told him he no longer wanted to be left alone with President Trump. So it’s not the alone part, but the who’s in the room part. Comey supposedly kept memos of his meetings with Trump, as a way of amassing a “paper trail,” should the need arise to have such documentation. Some have questioned why he told next to no one about his memos, while some with knowledge of how Comey operates have said it’s because he didn’t know who he could trust within the department. When Comey left the bureau, he left the memos in his files with the department. Special counsel Robert Mueller has access to those files. The FBI declined to comply with a recent request by the Senate Intelligence Committee to turn over the memos, citing the ongoing investigation. There’s a bit of a buzz now that Attorney General Sessions has offered to resign, apparently frustrated, and telling the president that he needed the freedom to do his ... Link to the full article to read more
REPORT: Comey Asked AG Sessions Not To Leave Him Alone With Trump