Article snippet: Senator Elizabeth Warren isn’t backing down when it comes to her fight against what she sees as unfair business practices on the part of big technology companies. On Tuesday, an Amazon corporate Twitter account responded to breaking up big tech companies by using Amazon as an example. In its tweet, Amazon said, “We don’t use individual sellers’ data to launch private label products (which account for only about 1% of sales). And sellers aren’t being ‘knocked out’ — they’re seeing record sales every year.” In the video from Monday’s town hall, Warren accused Amazon of collecting “information on every buyer and seller that comes through,” using the data to see which products are trending, developing similar merchandise under the Amazon label, and placing it high atop search results, bumping the original products several pages back. “The consequence is that Amazon, because of its superior information, can come in and knock out all of the competition,” Warren said. The company also claimed to make up less than four percent of retail sales in the United States. At her town hall, Warren pointed out that the tech company made up 49 percent of online retail sales. The senator its share of the e-commerce market, which totals 49.1 percent of online retail sales and five percent of all retail sales in the United States. “What an odd thing to deliberately misconstrue,” Warren tweeted. Warren has made breaking up big technology companies a major stance of her presidential cam... Link to the full article to read more
Elizabeth Warren fires back at Amazon on Twitter - The Boston Globe