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Gallup: GOP Voters Rank Immigration as 'Most Important Problem' in U.S.

posted onApril 26, 2019

Article snippet: The latest Gallup poll finds that overall immigration to the country and illegal immigration is ranked as the top “most important problem” in the U.S. according to GOP voters and conservatives. About 41 percent of Republicans said immigration is the biggest problem, as well as 35 percent of conservatives. Among all American voters, immigration is the second most important problem in the country. Voters said “the government” is the most important problem, overall, in the U.S. Likewise, the country’s illegal and legal immigration policy is the second biggest concern for swing voters. The poll comes as a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll revealed that GOP voters see immigration as the top problem in the country, and a Fox News poll this month found that more than three-in-seven GOP voters, a plurality, believe all immigration hurts the U.S. For decades, mass illegal and unchecked legal immigration to the country has stagnated U.S. wages while redistributing the wealth of America’s working and middle class to higher income earners. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine has found that immigration to the country shifts about $500 billion a year in wages away from America’s working and middle class to newly arrived immigrants and corporations. While illegal immigration levels have skyrocketed and are projected to bring more than a million illegal aliens to the U.S. this year, the country’s legal immigration policy has been unchanged for nearly three deca... Link to the full article to read more

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