Article snippet: House Democrats have zeroed in on former White House counsel Don McGahn — a witness whose testimony could antagonize MORE’s report. The House Judiciary Committee has demanded that McGahn appear in a public hearing before it on May 21, which would give Democrats an opportunity to draw out unflattering details about Trump and his White House. McGahn is viewed as a key witness who could shed light on obstruction of justice allegations against Trump. Mueller did not find Trump obstructed justice, but he also did not exonerate him on the issue. The former White House counsel offered extensive testimony to Mueller’s team and is featured prominently in the report’s examination of nearly a dozen episodes of potential obstruction of justice by Trump, including one instance in which Trump is described as directing McGahn to have the special counsel removed. Publicly, Trump has shown frustration with McGahn as a result of his cooperation in Mueller’s investigation. His lawyer Rudy Giuliani has attacked McGahn’s credibility, provoking barbs with McGahn’s own counsel. Democrats say they want to hear McGahn’s unvarnished story. “I would like to hear him describe in his own words the president's order to get the special counsel fired,” Rep. MORE (D-Md.) told The Hill in a phone interview Tuesday. “We are being confronted with a pattern of lawlessness and spectacular disrespect for the rule of law. McGahn is in a unique position to describe the actual dynamic of presidential mi... Link to the full article to read more
Dems plot aggressive post-Mueller moves, beginning with McGahn | TheHill