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What You Need to Know About Your Passport - The New York Times

posted onJune 7, 2017

Article snippet: Last year, more than 72 million Americans traveled abroad, according to the National Travel and Tourism Office. Yet many international travelers are turned away at the airport because even though they have a valid passport, its expiration date does not extend long enough to meet the rules of the country they plan to visit. “Every day we have people show up without an appointment because of a family emergency or they’ve discovered there’s not enough validity to be allowed to board a plane, and we do everything we can to accommodate an emergency,” said Brenda Sprague, deputy assistant secretary for Passport Services. Common misunderstandings persist about who needs a passport (answer: everyone, even infants) and the rules regarding expiration dates, which vary by country. Here are Ms. Sprague’s tips for maintaining a valid passport. REVIEW PASSPORT REQUIREMENTS FOR YOUR DESTINATION The Department of State’s website ( not only contains directions on passport applications and renewals, but also lists passport validity requirements by country. New Zealand calls for passports that are valid three months beyond the departure date. “Once you get to six months or less of validity, that’s the time to think about getting a new passport,” Ms. Sprague said. BE AWARE OF THE SCHENGEN RULES IN Schengen area. The Schengen Borders Agreement allows visitors to travel freely in the region without showing a passport outside of their first point of arrival. “The rules... Link to the full article to read more

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