Article snippet: About 20 million Americans have gained coverage under ObamaCare since it was passed in 2010, but nearly 9 percent — 30 million people — still don’t have health insurance. All Democrats running for president say they want to provide universal health care coverage to Americans. But they have different ideas about how to get there. Here are the plans they keep talking about on the campaign trail and what they would do. Medicare for All Sponsors: Sen. MORE (D-Wash.) has introduced similar legislation in the House. Who supports it: Sens. MORE said he wants to work toward such a system. What it would do: Of all the plans to expand Medicare, Sanders’s is the most ambitious. Over a four-year period, it would transform Medicare, the nation’s health care program for those over 65, into a single-payer system that provides comprehensive health care coverage, including dental, vision and long-term care, to all Americans under one plan. It also would eliminate most other federal health programs, such as Medicaid, but keep the Indian Health Service and the Veterans Health Administration, though those could eventually be eliminated as well. This would mean an end to private insurance plans as we know them, including those offered by employers and the plans people can buy individually, such as those sold on the ObamaCare marketplaces. That’s because under this proposal, private insurance companies would actually be banned from selling plans that cover the same services. Th... Link to the full article to read more
Democratic proposals to overhaul health care: A 2020 primer | TheHill