Article snippet: Vaughan offered her remarks on Monday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with host Rebecca Mansour and special guest host Patrick Courrielche. 1 – TAKE ON REMITTANCES Given the billions of dollars sent annually to Mexico and other countries south of the border from aliens working illegally in the country, Vaughan advised the Trump administration to consider options against this outflow of money. She speculated that this would offer the Trump administration leverage in pressuring Mexico and other Central and South American countries to assist in halting the flow of migration to the United States. “[Migrants] are sending money home to help support their families that they separated themselves from,” said Vaughan. Vaughan said, “One of the main reasons that these other countries — Mexico included, but also Central America — have really not lifted a finger to interfere with this movement of people to the United States is because they send so much money home, billions a year. Some of it from legal immigrants, but a lot of this money is, frankly, ill-gotten gains of illegal workers, and money and wages that have been denied to American workers and money that is flowing out of our economy and circulating through it to boost our economy.” Vaughan added, “This is a substitute for an economic policy in some of these countries, and it’s a lame economic policy. Let your citizens go to another country to work so they can send money back. iIt doesn’t help the count... Link to the full article to read more