Article snippet: A congressional hearing on online hate turned into a vivid demonstration of the problem when a YouTube livestream was bombarded with racist and anti-Semitic comments. POLITICAL NOTEBOOK Perhaps the most telling poll of the Democratic primary season hasn’t been about the Democratic primary at all, but about the fallout from a 35-year-old racist photo on a yearbook page. The vow came after a testy City Council committee hearing that saw Boston Police Commissioner William Gross defending the department’s role in a recent incident involving federal immigration authorities. Also, things got a bit heated between the treasury secretary and Representative Maxine Waters at the end of Steven Mnuchin’s testimony Tuesday. The bill would expand protections for many workers who are not explicitly protected under federal law. The Alexandra Hotel project has attracted interest from neighbors in both the South End and Roxbury, equally eager to see the restoration of the once majestic building. Temporary status is a seemingly permanent condition of the Trump administration. The New Jersey Democrat’s rhetoric at times seemed like a radical rewrite of President Trump’s words. The attorney general will redact at least four categories of information from the report, which spans nearly 400 pages. Jackson Cosko, 27, pleaded guilty to hacking computers in the New Hampshire senator’s Washington office. The House speaker will receive the award next month at... Link to the full article to read more