Article snippet: The battle over MORE’s tax returns heated up Sunday as Trump's allies took to the Sunday show circuit to dismiss Democratic efforts to obtain the president’s taxes. While Democrats are going all-in on their method of requesting Trump's returns through the Internal Revenue Service after he refused to release them voluntarily, even some Republicans who want to see the president's taxes are mocking Democrats' latest attempt to get them. And acting White House chief of staff MORE and Trump’s personal attorney Jay Sekulow predicted Sunday that Democrats would be unsuccessful. "Nor should they. That’s an issue that was already litigated during the election. Voters knew the president could have given his tax returns, they knew that he didn’t, and they elected him anyway," Mulvaney said. He also accused Democrats of knowing they can't get Trump's taxes and called their pursuits a "political hit job." Last week, Ways and Means Committee Chairman asking for six years of Trump’s personal and business tax returns. He cited Section 6103 of the federal tax code, which permits Congress's tax committees to privately view tax information of any filer. Trump's personal legal team has already urged the IRS not to release his taxes, arguing that the Justice Department needs to weigh in on the legality of the request. Sekulow doubled down on that approach Sunday, saying during an appearance on ABC’s “This Week” that Democrats do not have a “legitimate legislative purpose” for reques... Link to the full article to read more
Battle begins over Trump tax returns | TheHill