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Ocasio-Cortez: Draft 'All Genders' for the Military | Breitbart

posted onApril 6, 2019

Article snippet: She casually spotlighted her revolutionary rejection of biology, sex, and the male-or-female society during a live Facebook chat in which she was asked about her views on the military draft. “As long as we have a draft, I support people of all genders being drafted,” she said. Male and female are the two sexes — but transgender advocates now claim more than 50 “genders” — including agender, bigender, gender fluid, gender non-conforming, genderqueer, intersex, two-spirit, etc, plus “cis-gender” for the 99+ percent of people who are normal, non-transgender people This rejection of male-and-female society — including singles, parents, and children — is now the norm in the new Democratic Party, which has embraced the transgender ideology. That ideology says each persons’ preferences are — and should be — unconnected from their bodies. It says that men and women are interchangeable, and can switch their sex by switching their own sense of “gender identity” so that men who say they are women really do become biological women, complete with female penises. Also, progressives want the government to clear away the “social construction” — laws and civic norms — which supposedly prevent small women from wrestling large men to the ground, and which deter large men in tutus from trying to Jette far above tall female dancers. For Democrats, this wave or new regulation, censorship, and civic pressure will free the less-than-one-percent of people who say they are transgender fro... Link to the full article to read more

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