Article snippet: Obviously angry over the fact President Trump is so innocent they could not even come up with a way to frame him, “Some of Mueller’s investigators,” the far-left New York Times reports, “have told associates that Attorney General William P. Barr failed to adequately portray the findings of their inquiry and that they were more troubling for President Trump than Mr. Barr indicated.” Told associates *wink-wink* — Oops, I had no idea *wink-wink* it would make the front page of the Times! *digs toe in dirt* These sleaze bags are also leaking (through more “associates!”) to the far-left Washington Post. “Members of Mueller’s team have complained to close associates that the evidence they gathered on obstruction was alarming and significant,” the Post reports. “‘It was much more acute than Barr suggested,’ said one person, who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the subject’s sensitivity.” Of course, and just like the entire Russia Collusion Hoax, none of these complaints makes a lick of sense because it was not just Barr who signed off on the four page Mueller Report summary that cleared Trump of collusion and obstruction; Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein also signed off on the summary and Rosenstein, if you recall, is the original Dirty Cop who appointed Mueller in the first place. What’s more, when you are talking about a special counsel, this kind of exoneration is almost always unprecedented. In the past, these investigations have a... Link to the full article to read more