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Charlie Kirk: Joe Biden Is Being Eaten by His Own Monster | Breitbart

posted onApril 2, 2019

Article snippet: The Democrat Party in America is a mutative organism.  That might sound like a contradiction in terms, but the party’s history is rife with such inconsistencies. The “Party of Jefferson” was formed in 1792 by his supporters and those of Founders like James Madison who favored decentralized government (can you imagine?).  The party fractured and from that breakup, today’s Democrat Party emerged. After the Civil War, the party became strong in the south where it championed segregation and Jim Crow Laws.  The Democrats became the party of handouts. They added pacifism to their lapel as Vietnam progressed and collected other “causes” along the way.  They give people a place to be aggrieved. Of late, however, their mutation has been rapid, even rabid, in nature.  The frothing reached an extreme with the election of Donald Trump in 2016 and they have attacked him with a savagery that has never been seen on such a large scale in the history of American politics (and we have had our share of political bitterness). They created an elaborate national hoax involving President Trump and Russian collusion.  Now, the newest bit of cannibalism involves “Uncle” Joe Biden and the #MeToo Movement. The Democrat Party is going to have to rename itself “The Donner Party.” Biden is being accused by former Nevada politician Lucy Flores of grabbing her shoulders, smelling her hair, and kissing her head at a 2014 political event.  Let’s move on. In addition to Ms. Flores, another accuser... Link to the full article to read more

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