Article snippet: Ro Khanna argued that if the United States stops its backing of Saudi Arabia in Yemen’s civil war, finally ends the war in Afghanistan, withdraws troops from Syria once and for all, resists temptations by some to get militarily involved in Venezuela, and completes successful peace negotiations with North Korea, then the United States could better invest resources wasted abroad into rebuilding America’s infrastructure. “Here’s my message: We probably all agree that our primary responsibility is to make sure that America and our values lead the 21st century,” Khanna said when asked what his message is to the millions of Trump supporters who read Breitbart News, people who may find it odd that a Democrat is open to working with Trump on at least some things: In the hyper-partisan era that is the Trump administration, Khanna has emerged as a unique voice in the Democrat Party. While he is certainly a progressive Democrat and harsh critic of the president and his administration on many things, he is also someone who is willing to work with Trump in places where he agrees with the president — particularly on ending wars he, like many in the grassroots of both sides of the aisle, view as endless. Khanna definitely has credibility on both sides of the aisle and is able to work seamlessly with voices as diverse as House Freedom Caucus chairman Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) and newly elected socialist firebrand Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). In fact, the night before thi... Link to the full article to read more