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Luis Gutierrez: ‘There Should Be Welcoming Centers All Across America’ for Migrants | Breitbart

posted onApril 2, 2019

Article snippet: Appearing on CNN, Gutierrez, who is now a senior policy adviser for the National Partnership of New Americans (NPNA), urged Democrats leading major U.S. cities like Chicago and Los Angeles to “invite” caravan migrants to stay in their cities, saying he hoped his party “stands up for its principles.” He said America is the “richest, most powerful nation in the world,” and it “should also be the nation with the biggest heart and a nation that has a great tradition of receiving refugees.” “And I would say to the mayor of my own city, Rahm Emanuel, instead of hitting yourself on the chest every day about Jussie Smollett, invite them to come to Chicago,” Gutierrez said. “L.A.—invite them to come. New York. There should be welcoming centers all across America for these refugees, for these asylum seekers to find a home in America. That’s what I believe people should be doing right now.” Gutierrez also challenged President Donald Trump, who announced this weekend that he will be cutting foreign aid to Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador, by saying the U.S. should provide more aid and job opportunities to Central American nations so Central Americans can stay in the countries that they love. Gutierrez made his remarks days after U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin K. McAleenan revealed that his agency last Monday “saw the highest total of apprehensions and encounters in over a decade, with 4,000 migrants either apprehended or encountered” a various port... Link to the full article to read more

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