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The Atlantic's Take on Trump's Russia Problem Is Worth Reading

posted onJune 6, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 7:30 pm on June 5, 2017 by streiff It isn’t very often that I recommend reading anything in The Atlantic for reasons other than to mock the imbecility that collects there like lint collects on velcro. But Mckay Coppins has a very good take on Trump and the Russia probe, though, in the end, I think he comes up very short. He goes on to say that the genesis of this is Trump’s management style: I’ve covered Trump’s management style in a few posts prior to the election: BREAKING. Civil War Erupts In The Donald Trump CampaignDonald Trump’s Unveils His “Team Of Vicious Gits”Open Warfare Breaks Out Among Donald Trump’s “Team Of Vicious Gits” The general description that Coppins provides of Trump’s management practice is pretty accurate. He sets up competing power centers and nebulous lines of communications, he plays factions off against each other with the organizing principle being that they are loyal to Trump and Trump is the peacemaker that adjudicates conflicts. It is an environment where sycophancy and palace intrigue are the coin of the realm. As I posted a few days ago, many of the leaks coming out of the White House (as opposed to cabinet agencies) seem to emanate from within Trump’s circle of advisers who are using the media to damage one another. This is where I think Coppins goes off the rails: I’m a skeptic on the whole collusion nonsense and, other than lying to a federal agent, I’m not sure what you could really do that would be illegal so l... Link to the full article to read more

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