Article snippet: Questions are mounting over special counsel MORE obstructed justice as lawmakers on Capitol Hill await the release of his report. While Barr’s four-page letter to Congress on Sunday silenced suspicions Mueller would charge Trump or members of his campaign with conspiring with the Russian government, its contents only amplified the mystery surrounding the obstruction inquiry. It remains unclear why Mueller declined to make a decision one way or another on whether Trump impeded his investigation, and Democrats have grown increasingly skeptical of Attorney General MORE’s judgment that the evidence was insufficient to accuse Trump of obstruction. They also argue he is not a neutral arbiter. Lawmakers are unlikely to get answers for weeks, as the Justice Department combs through Mueller’s 300-plus-page report to determine what can be publicly released. Barr told Congress on Friday that he expects to have the report prepared for public release by mid-April, after officials scrub it of grand jury material, sensitive national security information and details that could impact ongoing investigations. In the meantime, Democrats are focused on a lengthy memo Barr penned last year criticizing the obstruction inquiry and labeling the theory Trump impeded the probe by firing FBI Director MORE (D-Calif.), said of Mueller’s original mandate. Broadly, legal experts agree that proving obstruction of justice is difficult; it requires establishing that the offender acted to impede a... Link to the full article to read more
Questions mount over Mueller, Barr and obstruction | TheHill