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GOP shifts focus to investigating Obama officials | TheHill

posted onMarch 31, 2019

Article snippet: Republicans are setting their sights on top Obama-era officials as they plan their own probe into the 2016 election. Eager to move on from special counsel MORE (Ky.). Mueller’s report hasn’t been released yet, but Republicans have seized on a four-page letter from Attorney General MORE or members of his campaign coordinated or colluded with Moscow in its election interference. "Republicans believe that the FBI and [Department of Justice] — the top people — took the law in their own hands because they wanted [Hillary] Clinton to win and Trump to lose," Sen. MORE (R-S.C.)  said during an interview with Fox News’s Neil Cavuto as part of a media blitz discussing his plans for an investigation. He said that he will be looking at "abuse" of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant application process and the counterintelligence operation into Trump’s campaign, adding that "there will be a lot of inquiry as to how this all happened." GOP senators are already naming former officials who would be at the top of their lists to question, including former FBI Director MORE and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch. "The Judiciary Committee has primary jurisdiction and doing oversight of the Department of Justice and the FBI, and so that ... is something we need to do. Trying to find out how this thing got off the rails and hopefully prevent it from happening again," said Sen. MORE (R-Texas), a member of the Judiciary Committee.   Cornyn rattled off a list of O... Link to the full article to read more

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