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The Reality Winner Arrest Shows the NSA Learned Nothing From the Edward Snowden Experience

posted onJune 6, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 9:25 pm on June 5, 2017 by streiff My colleague Andrea Ruth posted on the the arrest of the unfortunately named Reality Winner for stealing a secret assessment of Russian efforts to penetrate various electoral systems and giving it to Glenn Greenwald’s online domain, The Intercept. Basically, Ms. Winner printed a copy of a report she was not authorized to see. She removed that report from the classified facility where she worked. She gave the report to The Intercept. In early May, someone at The Intercept contacted a defense contractor to verify that the document was legit. The Intercept contacted the NSA to get a comment: This is from the arrest affidavit: This case shows that the NSA learned precisely nothing from the Edward Snowden experience. Winner was a civilian contractor and she had no ‘need to know’ to see this report. Contrary to what a lot of civilians think, ‘need to know,’ not security clearance level is the fail-safe of the entire classified information system. Just because you have the requisite security level you can’t just browse classified material without a work related reason for doing so. Everything is supposed to be on a “clearance plus need to know” basis. Winner was able to print a copy of the report and was able to walk that report out of her workspace. As difficult as it is to believe, apparently there were no safeguards in place to control who printed what as she was not authorized access to the document and still managed ... Link to the full article to read more

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