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Trump Pushes to Jump-Start Completion of Keystone Pipeline

posted onMarch 31, 2019

Article snippet: Because the pipeline traverses an international border, the project has been under the jurisdiction of the U.S. State Department, which has issued several environmental impact statements, all of which concluded: “Keystone XL will have a limited effect on the environment.” And although key portions of the pipeline have already been completed, the final construction of the Keystone XL part of the remaining pipeline has been held up in lawsuits brought by environmental activists and some Native American tribes. President Donald Trump first issued a presidential permit to allow TransCanada to complete Keystone XL in March of 2017, which resulted in more lawsuits. On Friday, Trump issued another presidential permit to replace the one issued two years ago, drawing the ire of critics of Keystone XL in particular and fossil fuels in general. The Associated Press (AP) reported: “Specifically, this permit reinforces, as should have been clear all along, that the presidential permit is indeed an exercise of presidential authority that is not subject to judicial review under the Administrative Procedure Act,” the spokesman said in the AP report. The Environmental and Energy Law Program at Harvard University describes the current state of the pipeline project this way:  Reaction to Trump’s move has been swift. TransCanada and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce praised the president. “The president’s action today clarifies the national importance of Keystone XL and aims to bring mor... Link to the full article to read more

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