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Media Bias In Action: NY Times Makes Obama The Victim of His Incompetence

posted onJune 6, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 4:00 am on June 6, 2017 by Jay Caruso When Senator Barack Obama launched his bid to run for president in 2007, one of the central issues where he criticized President George W. Bush over his use of executive orders during his administration. It’s a process Senator Obama spoke out against on the campaign trail: President Obama went on to use executive power in an unprecedented fashion. He didn’t just do it, Obama bragged about it. “If Congress won’t act, I will” and “I’ve got a pen, and I’ve got a phone” were familiar refrains the president used to announce he was going to use executive power to get his way. One of the ways President Obama tried to get around the separation of powers had to do with his signature legislation, The Affordable Care Act. The law allowed for payments to be made directly to insurers to cover out-of-pocket costs and deductibles for low-income consumers. Congress did not appropriate the funds. The Obama administration decided to make the payments anyway. The GOP filed suit, and a federal judge agreed with Republicans. The New York Times wrote about this, but their headline is a classic example of media bias. Here is what the headline says: Unwittingly means “without being aware” or “unintentionally.” The New York Times reporter contradicts himself in the first paragraph: So they knew exactly what they were doing. They were aware, and they did it intentionally. They rolled the dice, and it cost them: Those are a lot of assump... Link to the full article to read more

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