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Exclusive– Mike Braun: 'Republicans Needs to Force' Change in Healthcare Industry

posted onMarch 29, 2019

Article snippet: Sen. Braun spoke with Breitbart News in an extensive interview over healthcare reform, Republicans’ messaging challenges with health care, and his proposed solutions to lowering healthcare costs. In the first article, Braun told Breitbart News about how the Republican Party has failed to propose a viable and credible alternative to Obamacare and Medicare for All and that too often the GOP has served as “apologists for the health care industry” and benefitted from the health care “gravy-train.” Braun spoke about the healthcare industry becoming too concentrated and his proposed solutions. The Hoosier conservative contended that if the healthcare industry does not soon reform itself, they could soon face the single-payer, government-run healthcare scheme known as Medicare for All. “I actually put more of the burden and blame for the issues we’ve had with health care at the industry. They’re the ones that ought to be smart enough to know they got to get with it or they will have one partner only, and that’s the federal government. So, my mantra [for his business] has been ‘never go broke because you get sick or have a bad accident,’ incorporate that into everything you do. The industry can fix it if they get with it. The federal government is just going to be the tool of the Democrats that try to move to Medicare for All,” Braun said. Sen. Braun suggested that Republicans need to force the healthcare industry to change for the better, or the Democrats will move towa... Link to the full article to read more

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