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Democrats face balancing act with Mueller report demands | TheHill

posted onMarch 28, 2019

Article snippet: Democrats pressing the Justice Department to quickly release the Mueller report may soon need to find a Plan B. The Department of Justice expects to issue a redacted version of special counsel MORE to turn over the full report. That raises a number of questions for Democrats about how hard to push for the release of the report, which Mueller submitted to Barr on Friday. Democrats are also pressing for the text to be released in full without heavy redactions — something Barr has not committed to and is unlikely to deliver on. Furthermore, Democrats want to see all the underlying evidence Mueller used to draft his conclusions, another request that has slim odds of being fulfilled by the attorney general. If the Justice Department fails to meet those demands, subpoenas may be the next step. But Democrats won’t say yet if that’s their plan. “We haven’t gotten that far yet,” said Oversight and Reform Committee Chairman MORE (D-Md.). “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” Still, Cummings said the Justice Department needs “to get it done sooner.” “I am very concerned that it is apparent that the department will not meet the April 2nd deadline that we set and I’m very disturbed by that,” House Judiciary Committee Chairman MORE (D-N.Y.) told reporters Wednesday, saying he had just spoken with Barr. “I asked whether he could commit that the full report with the underlying documents would be provided to Congress and the American people, he wouldn’t make a commitment ... Link to the full article to read more

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