Article snippet: Yvonne Abraham He can always go lower. Republicans will always let him go lower. So now President Trump is obsessively attacking a dead man. Renée Graham Announcing Abrams as a running mate now would be audacious; never before has a major-party candidate announced a running mate so early. The proposal was built upon rules the House passed earlier this year, dictating that any funds the groups raised should be held in a dedicated account managed by the House’s business office. For two years the House Intelligence Committee chairman seemed to be on every talk show sounding ominous warnings about what Robert Mueller might find. Baker, the state GOP’s de facto head, waded into the debate over the report with far more caution than other top Mass. Republicans. House Democrats pressed the Justice Department to provide the full report from special counsel Robert Mueller even as Republicans called for them to ‘‘move on’’ from the Russia investigation. To Republicans, it was a victory 675 days in the making. For Democrats who have spent 22 months building up Robert Mueller’s credibility, it was a jarring setback. President Trump spoke to reporters late Sunday afternoon after Attorney General William Barr released his Mueller report findings to Congress. The release of a four-page summary of the report sparked renewed calls for the entire report to be released. President Trump on Sunday celebrated a “total exoneration” that special counsel Robert M... Link to the full article to read more
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