Article snippet: Democrats hoping former Vice President MORE jumps into the Democratic race for the White House are salivating over the idea that he could pick Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams as his running mate early in the process. “It would be a bold and smart move,” said one Democratic operative who has been in touch with Team Biden. “Who wouldn't want Stacey Abrams as your partner? I think you've got to own the narrative. She's so popular, so exciting, so commercial. It would be a bold move. No one can tell me it's a net negative.” Biden’s camp on Friday pushed back against rumors of a “pre-cooked” Biden-Abrams ticket. “@JoeBiden has an enormous amount of respect for @staceyabrams (it is why he endorsed her!) — but these rumors about discussions on a pre-cooked ticket are false, plain and simple,” Biden spokesman Bill Russo wrote in a tweet. But Russo’s tweet didn’t completely knock down the idea that Biden’s camp has been talking about it, and sources confirmed to The Hill that it has been under discussion. Abrams, who was narrowly defeated in her bid for Georgia’s governorship in November, could negate lingering doubts about whether Biden is the candidate Democrats need in an election against MORE. While Biden is leading polls and would enter the primary as a front-runner, he faces significant doubts about whether he’s liberal enough to defeat rivals such as Sens. MORE (D-Calif.). He also faces questions about his age — he’ll be 78 a few weeks after Election ... Link to the full article to read more
Biden-Abrams ticket is music to ears of some Dems | TheHill