Article snippet: A showdown over the public release of special counsel MORE declared victory over the lack of new indictments. Attorney General William Barr, the figure now at the center of the fight over Mueller's findings, has said he could tell lawmakers of the main conclusions from the sprawling Russia probe as soon as this weekend, with lawmakers expecting additional briefings in the coming days. But releasing general findings even a day after the confidential report was submitted is unlikely to quell Democratic calls for a public release. House Democrats are set to discuss their strategy on the report Saturday afternoon as the chairmen of several committees plot their next steps. News that Mueller completed his investigation and submitted his report to the Justice Department, which arrived on a stormy afternoon in Washington, capped nearly two years of intense speculation about whether the special counsel would turn over evidence that Trump’s campaign conspired with Moscow to interfere in the 2016 election. House Democrats have dangled the possibility of subpoenaing the contents of Mueller's closing documentation from the Justice Department and have floated demanding Mueller's own public testimony if they are unsatisfied with the information Barr provides to Congress or the public. Such a move has the potential to precipitate a brutal legal battle between Congress and the executive branch that could go all the way to the Supreme Court. Mueller's findings and the contours of... Link to the full article to read more
Showdown looms over Mueller report | TheHill