Article snippet: (Want to get this briefing by email? Here’s the sign-up.) Good morning. Here’s what you need to know: • Why Britain? Why now? Saturday’s terrorist attack in London was the third in three months in a country with widespread surveillance, raising questions over how else it can heighten security. Prime Minister Theresa May, facing parliamentary elections on Thursday, finds her counterterrorism record under scrutiny. The authorities have disrupted at least 18 terrorist plots since 2013. Two of the three suspects in the London attack have been identified. One, nicknamed Abs, had appeared in a TV documentary about jihadis in Britain. Click here for a short 360 video of the speech by Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London, at a vigil yesterday. _____ • In the United States, a 25-year-old intelligence contractor, Reality Leigh Winner, has been charged with leaking a classified intelligence report. It is the first such case under President Trump. The leaked report accused Russian military hackers of cyberattacks against an American company that sells voter registration-related software and local election officials before last year’s presidential election. Separately, White House officials said Mr. Trump would not invoke executive privilege to block James B. Comey, above, the F.B.I. director he fired, from testifying before Congress on Thursday. _____ • President Trump took to Twitter, rebelling against his advisers, including Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and criticizing their... Link to the full article to read more
London, Qatar, Donald Trump: Your Tuesday Briefing - The New York Times