Article snippet: It is also necessary to slice and dice the facts because the revenue the District receives is not the same as the money violators owe but have not paid. For example, Breitbart News asked the D.C. Office of Tax Revenue about the money generated through tickets, and the office responded that in Fiscal Year 2017, “photo ticket revenue” was slightly over $100 million and about $98 million in Fiscal Year 2018. Non-photo tickets (parking, speeding, and other infractions) totaled $62 million in 2017 and almost $64 million in 2018, according to the office. But that does not accurately reflect just how much money the District generates from its ticketing programs, including from the 145 red light cameras set up across the area and uncollected tickets. AAA Mid-Atlantic keeps close tabs on the District and its ticketing policies, releasing its latest findings in February of this year: “That means in the period from FY 2016 to FY 2018, the District issued 8,167,607 parking and traffic citations,” AAA Mid-Atlantic reported. “Collectively, those parking and traffic citations were valued at just shy of a billion dollars, or $930,473,968, tabulates AAA Mid-Atlantic.” The population of D.C. is 713,244. “In the years to come, District ticket revenue could increase substantially in the wake of the draconian fine regime and the tougher penalties for traffic infractions that went into effect on January 4, 2019,” said John B. Townsend II, AAA Mid-Atlantic’s manager of public and gover... Link to the full article to read more