Article snippet: The allegations involve Army Maj. Gen. Kurt Sonntag, who is commanding general of the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare School and Center (SWCS) where Green Berets are selected, trained, and graduated. Breitbart News spoke with more than a half dozen current and former Green Beret instructors and several others in the Green Beret community, whose firsthand accounts paint an alarming picture of an Army general gone rogue, a hostile command climate where soldiers are fearful of retribution for speaking out, and a total breakdown of unit morale. “It’s like Game of Thrones around here,” one Green Beret said. “Who’s going to be next?” Current and recent former instructors at SWCS, also known as cadre, say standards at the school’s prestigious Qualification Course (Q-course), where Green Berets are graduated, began to dramatically slide after Sonntag took command in May 2017. For example, they said a student could no longer fail the course for not passing any physical standard or test. Before, failing to pass two separate times would have resulted in being kicked out of the course. Now, students are increasingly being passed by a relief board or the training group commander. They said land navigation — where students navigate open terrain and find set points using a map and compass — is no longer a “pass or fail” event, and it was turned into a “practical exercise.” Cadre say that was where most Green Beret candidates would fail in the past. They also said the ... Link to the full article to read more
Exclusive: DOD Investigating General Retaliating Against Green Berets