Article snippet: House Democratic leaders taking fire from liberals in their caucus put the brakes Wednesday on plans to vote on a measure implicitly rebuking freshman Rep. MORE (D-Minn.) over her comments on Israel. Leaders are holding off on scheduling a vote as they rework a resolution condemning anti-Semitism to address various kinds of hatred. The vote was initially expected to occur on Wednesday, though it was never officially scheduled. Aides say the vote could still happen before lawmakers leave for their districts on Friday, but timing is still uncertain. Rank-and-file Democrats expressed frustration at a closed-door conference meeting over their leadership’s strategy, arguing they were playing into GOP efforts to divide Democrats over Omar. Allies of Omar have also ripped the effort to rebuke her as a double standard, arguing others who have made controversial remarks about Latinos, just as one example, have not been punished in the same way. They also have pointed to a display at the West Virginia Statehouse that showed a picture of Omar alongside the Twin Towers burning after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. In a nod to those complaints, the resolution is expected to include language about Islamophobia. At the caucus meeting, Speaker MORE (D-Calif.) and other leaders heard complaints from some members that they hadn’t been briefed by leadership about the resolution. “Because, you know, internal dialogue is really important to make sure that we’re on the same pa... Link to the full article to read more